On Sun, May 07, 2000 at 07:50:01AM -0500, Lawrence LeMay wrote:
Someone mentioned that the cable for connecting a RK05
to a PDP 8/E
is different than the one for a PDP 11/45. Is this correct, and if
so does anyone know the DEC name and part numbers for the cable
that is used with a PDP 8/E?
I *think* the paddle card is M993, but could be wrong. The entire assembly
including the ribbon cables (which connect to the paddle board using soldered
IDC endings rather than the usual Berg connectors) has another #, 54-class
I think?????
IIRC the reason it's different (besides the fact that the RK8E plugs into
regular Omnibus slots and wouldn't be able to dedicate a backplane slot to
the Unibus style cable that the RK11D uses) is that the RK8E uses the old
individual drive select lines (for four drives max), not the new encoded
drive selects (for eight drives). Could be remembering wrong though.
Anyway this only matters between the controller and the first drive, after
that you can connect the other drives using Unibus cables.
John Wilson
D Bit