Actually Tony, Computer Operations in Beltsville MD sold LINC tape drives
for unibus machines, DG Nova series, and HP 21xx processors.
Jay West has a working Computer Operations LINC tape transport and
controller (unibus) sitting in my garage!
Eric Smith wrote:
Al wrote:
By the time PDP12's were built, DEC was using
the same transport
(TU55's, later TU56's) for either format.
AFAIK, this was true even of DEC's early Microtape/DECtape/LINCtape
drives, the Type 55 and Type 555, since the transport is completely
The only "LINCtape only" transport was the one built into
the original LINC, and there probably wasn't anything inherent in
that transport that would have prevented it from being used as a DECtape
transport. (The LINCtape control, however, could not deal with DECtape.)