hacking time...
Is parity generation a simple case of chaining exclusive-or gates for the
required number of data bits? e.g. for 8 data lines:
d0 --+
d1 --+ |
d2 --+ | |
XOR--+ |
d3 --+ |
XOR--- parity
d4 --+ |
XOR--+ |
d5 --+ | |
d6 --+ |
d7 --+
(possibly inverted at the end, depending on requirement for odd/even parity)
Yes, exactly that...
Your method :
(((d0 XOR d1) XOR (d2 XOR d3)) XOR ((d4 XOR d5) XOR (d6 XOR d7)))
is logially equvalent to
(d0 XOR (d1 XOR (d2 XOR (d2 XOR (d3 XOR (d4 XOR (d5 XOR (d6 XOR d7]
but the latter has a longer maximum propagation delay.
Incidentally, my TTL data books (heck, the newest over 20 years old now)
show gate level scheamtics for the more complex chips (and component
level scehamtics for the simple gates). Looking up '74LS280' in there
shows the intenral structure. I don't know if that data sheet is
availabke on-line, say on digchip or sowmehre.