CARL.P.HIRSCH(a) wrote:
Speaking as a USian anarchist, I can say with a high level of confidence
that the United States sucks the most. Bar none. The US is by far the most
powerful corporate imperial force on the planet today, and as folks way
back in this dead horse of a thread were saying, our government is very
much beholden to various corporate interests. The last few months of the
Bush II administration (i.e., repealing clean air regs, 86-ing workplace
safety laws, etc.) must be a very explicit illustration to the rest of the
world just how much corporations (and to a lesser extent the Religious
Right) run the show .
An old saying I like very much says that there would be no such thing as the
environmental movement t'were it not for scientific illiteracy. The emphasis
is on regulating the means rather than the results, and that is just a sign
of control freaks rather than a desire for a solution. Blaming the Religious
Right is either just plain ignorant or a desire for a flame war.