Thanks, all, for the responses! The way it measures out makes it look like
it may be an MJ10006 or similar. I think it's probably ok.
I poked around a bit more this morning and it's looking like part of the
flyback is shorted out -- we have a 2382 at the museum and I popped it open
just now and I verified that it measures differently (i.e "not shorted" :))
at the same points. So that's likely my problem. Drat.
- Josh
On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 3:34 AM David Collins <davidkcollins2 at>
The 9816 uses a BUZ45 - might be the same as the
David Collins
+61 424 785 131
On 16 Oct 2018, at 3:24 pm, Curious Marc via
cctech <
cctech at> wrote:
Forgot to mention, I have a 2382A that works (affectionately known as
"Munchkin" terminal). I could measure some stuff in mine for comparison
if that could help out.
For the HP curious, the 2382A makes an appearance
at the end of one of
my videos:
It is very cute (I think) ;-)
> On Oct 16, 2018, at 12:08 AM, Curious Marc <curiousmarc3 at>
> Can't find it either in any of the X-ref lists I have. As you know
already, 1854 are usually NPN transistors, but around these numbers I see
mostly Darlingtons in my collection. So maybe that's what you have, and why
the junctions would test weird.
> Marc
>> On Oct 15, 2018, at 10:21 PM, Josh Dersch via cctalk <
cctalk at> wrote:
>> Hey all --
>> Got an HP 2382A terminal I'm attempting to resurrect. I get no video,
>> heater, no high voltage. What I believe
to be the horizontal output
>> transistor appears to be bad, but I'm not sure if this thing contains
>> internal diodes that might be throwing off my testing attempts. It's
>> labeled "1854-0900." Anyone know what this actually is? (Anyone have
>> service manual for this terminal?)
>> Thanks,
>> Josh