Forwarded from Bob Supnik...
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Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2004 21:38:48 +0000
From: bsupnik(a)
To: Vintage Computer Festival <vcf(a)>
Subject: Re: simh simulation speed
Unless the simulator writer inserts timing (delay) code, as Phil did for
the PDP11, SIMH runs as fast as possible. In the case of the LGP30, this
is many, many times faster than the real machine.
On Mon, 27 Sep 2004, Tom Jennings wrote:
I haven't had a chance to get back and debug,
but is it true that simh
does NOT simulate the target machine's execution speed? I wrote a simple
'sum all words in track N' program for the LGP and it completed as soon
as I hit return! It should have taken many seconds... I did RTFM, so no
reference to it, but I haven't had time to go look at the source. Got
lazy and decided to post instead of research (typical, huh :-)
I wondered that myself. SpaceWar! on the PDP-1 seems to run at its
original speed.
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
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