On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 7:01 PM, Dave McGuire <mcguire at neurotica.com> wrote:
On May 6, 2009, at 6:54 PM, Keith wrote:
Price of the DTX200 is ?800 for the fist
connection to a PC, and then
The following options are sold between ?100 and ?350:
? ?* multi-frequency
? ?* multi-capacity
? ?* up to 10 diskettes on the same CF card with addressing
? ?* up to 64 diskettes on the same CF card with addressing
Does anyone else think this is highway robbery?
?It sounds to me like the suits are trying to recoup their entire
development cost in the first few sales.
With prices like that, there may only be a first few sales. Of
course, it's also possible that even if the price were half, there
wouldn't be enough sales to pay for development. I've run into that
working for small companies - you do the research, design, develop,
and test the product, then only ever sell 10. When it happens more
than once, usually the doors close soon after.