From: Warner Losh
> I have retrieved an old/early copy of RT-11 Basic
(V01-05 18-JUL-73,
> DEC-11-LBACA-A-LA1) modified to run under V6 Unix
> ..
> I also have a DEC MACRO-11 which runs under V6 Unix, which generates
> .rel files; there is a 'bind' (written in BCPL) which is a linker
> which reads .rel files. (There is a BCPL compiler, written in BCPL, to
> compile it.) Then there are two command 'relld' and 'ldrel' to
> back and forth from .rel to a.out.
I'd be interested...
Interested in just the BASIC, or in the whole package?
For those who are interested in running any of this stuff on a UNIX of some
sort (as opposed to, say, taking the BASIC source and editing it to run under
some DEC OS, using the pre-existing MACRO-11 on such a system), there are
dependency issues one is going to have to deal with.
That's because the MACRO-11 is written in MACRO-11, and the BCPL compiler
(which one needs to compiler the linker) is in BCPL. So before either one
can be assembled/compiled... one needs a working assembler/compiler (as the
case may be), along with a linker. Can you say 'dependency loop'...? :-)
I _do_ have working binaries (I think) for the MACRO-11, BCPL compiler, and
linker.. but they may or may not run under vanilla V6 (they ran on the
much-modified MIT-V6+, which is kind of an early PWB with a lot of MIT
Let me try them and see if they run under vanilla V6 (which I have running
under Ersatz-11), and if so, then I can hand out the whole package. That all
will take a couple of days to deal with.