Subject: S-100 power supply voltage ranges
From: "Andrew Lynch" <lynchaj at>
Date: Sat, 28 Feb 2009 10:03:10 -0500
To: <cctalk at>
Hi! What are acceptable voltage supply ranges for an S-100 power supply? I
am assuming 115VAC input. My intended application is a small home brew
S-100 backplane.
I have seen the S-100 voltage rails vary but I believe +15VDC, -15VDC, and
+9VDC would be sufficient. Herb's S-100 page lists the voltages as +18VDC,
-16VDC, and +8VDC but I have seen other voltages used.
Thanks and have a nice day!
Andrew Lynch
The minimim voltages are +8, +15 and -15 or otherwise said at least 3V greater
than the on card regulator.
The maximum is generally +10, +18, -18v the caveat here is while most of the
regulators used will accept up to 25-30V excessive voltages leads to overheating
especially on the +8 buss where the highest current users are.
Ideally well filterd voltages at the minimum on the +8V, +15V busses are desired
and there were a few S100 boxes that did exactly that.