Hmmm... All I will say is that I maintained my father's Citroen car for
13 years. I therefore have a great love of (some) French engineering.
IIRC the Pascaline was French....
Ah, but there is French engineering and French domestic wiring (and
French bricoleurs...)
I agree that Citroens are wonderful, I had the opportunity of test
driving a DS19 (or Pallas 21 or something probably) when I was 19 or
thereabouts, on a French gravel road full of potholes. Absolutely
fantastic suspension...
French domestic wiring, on the other hand... :-O
I remember getting a shock from a light switch, in my French godmother's
house in a village in Charente-Maritime (same place I drove the
Citroen). There was a fuseholder in the switch and the cover was broken
and I happened to touch the bare metal.
And I also had a look at the wiring in her Paris apartment. The previous
tenant had "improved" it, using lots of "sparadrap"
(sticking-plaster) to connect the extra wires... A wonder the place
hadn't burst into flames. French domestic wiring is more like doll's
house wiring. Flimsy 2-pin plugs where you connect the wires by jamming
the bared ends under the pins, which screw into the plastic body of the
plug. And so on. A Swedish inspector would probably have a heart attack
merely from looking at it.