On Wed Nov 19 21:08:26 CST 2008, Sellam Ismail sellam said:
I'm looking for a set of manuals for the Proteon
routers, circa 1989 or earlier. I'm guessing Proteon was an independent
company until DEC bought them at some point? Just guessing. Anyway, if
you've got a set of manuals I'd be interested in purchasing them from
I can't help you with manuals, but I will confirm that Proteon was indeed an
independent firm in the 80's. During the early and mid-80's I was a member
of Novell's technical staff during and had a good working relationships
with several Proteon engineers. Novell, of course, had PC networking
software and was working with just about any and all PC networking
hardware vendors to make sure that there was a NetWare driver for
their gear. At that time, Proteon had their own flavor of token-ring
over twisted pair style hardware call Pro-Net. I don't remember
the details or the transfer rates, but it was not particularly successful
and later Proteon ended up joining the shift of the industry to Ethernet.
Somewhere along the way, in the very early 90's, I think, they combined
with 3Com. If I remember right, Proteon was located in Waltham, MA
during the 80's.
- Jared