> > > Bet you'd care if you had one to
> > Nope! He'd just throw it out with other
useless oddities like his Honus
> > Wagner baseball card.
> Now, beside that I still not get why baseball is
called a sport, who is
> Honus Wagner ? Did he own an Apple 1 ?
Hey ... I guess I hit something ... :)
Baseball not a sport? Sigh. You silly Germans. Just
because the fans don't
kill each other or the opposing fans doesn't mean that it's not a real
sport. Unlike European Soccer hooligans, baseball fans are typically
a much more relaxed crowd -not including the yankee fans who pride
themselves on their ability to hit opposing players with batteries
from 10 rows back.
:) Well, I see there are a few signs of life left in the baseball
crowd ... at least not all are so old that they can't lift their
ass ... Serious, Kricket is more entertaining than baseball. THere
you get at least a flair of the world, when an Austrailian and an
Indian team plays ... and these guys still dress better ...
Baseball is certainly more of a sport than Soccer.
Sure, Soccer
players have to be able to run up and down the field, kick a ball,
and grab their knees in pain when an opposing player runs by without
touching them but that's not exactly a "sport." Make the goal the
size of a Basketball hoop, and that would be a sport. Give the
players long sticks, and sharp skates and then it would be a sport.
Make the players 250+ pounds, and give them full armor and then it
would be a sport.
Are you trying to point to the secon not so fancy sport thing
over there ? Real sport is if the same guys go ahead and kick
an odd shaped ball without any sissy armor ... Well, real men
call this Rugby ... and no real comparsion possible to the slow
motion action of some pampered American Football guys.
Trying to kick a little white ball into a goal the
size of a
studio apartment is not a sport.
Try to do better... BTW, I always expected studio apartments to
be a bit larger.
Oh, and before we finish: The sport is called Football, and maybe
not played near where you're liveing.
VCF Europa 3.0 am 27./28. April 2002 in Muenchen