Back in the early '80's I had this 14" 20MB Century Data Marksman drive
which I soon gave away. I recently found the interface manual for it, i.e.
a document which is apparently intended for one to interface the built-on
controller/formatter to a Z-80. It includes some code examples, etc.
Would this be of use to anyone?
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Would someone please provide docs or setup info for the following
scantily-marked unibus SMD controller:
Xylogics #300-101-600 rev B L6
doc. pkg. no. 300-101-902 Rev G serial no. 1103
A few hand-written and typed labels are still attached to the socketed
chips (presumably geometry/emulation codes):
[handles forward, components up, edge connector facing you]
along the left side, column of 8 big chips.
4th down: " 766/BU4 "
6th down: " 768/BU4 "
six inches in from left; four inches down from handles, by itself
: " -173E "
slightly right of center; starting three inches down; column of four chips
: " 242D "
: " 245C "
: " 244C "
: " 243C "
just below those, group of six chips, most missing their labels but top
right is still there and reads : "799HC "
That's all I can glean. Seems to show up as DM: under rt, but I don't
know what size/shape of drive it expects or what partitioning it's willing
to perform...
BTW, Thanks John if you're lurking here somewhere...