On this particular desk, for the benefit of the
clients (to keep them
occupied and out of the mixer's hair) was a Mac SE running (among other
amusements) a copy of MacPlaymate, and early soft-core 'porn' game. One
of it's attributes was, that as long as the program was launched, it would
grab the speaker and purr lascivious nothings at random intervals.
My copy doesn't make noise :-(
I guess maybe I'm just not treating her right.
Although this does remind me of one of the MANY occasions I got in
trouble in high school. I was in a "Computer Music" class, and we were
using Mac SEs. Since my lab partner and I were way ahead of the rest of
the class (he was a die hard musician, and I knew the Mac and MIDI like
the back of my hand), I brought my MacRecorder into class, we hooked it
up, and started recording our own samples for our compositions.
Well, one of them "accidentally" got left as the alert sound on the Mac.
It was a nice clear mix of my partner and my voices going "PENIS....
Wheeeee" (hey, I was in High School, immaturity was in)
The Band instructor was in that afternoon trying to use a Mac to write a
letter of recommendation for a student... whose parents were there with
them. Since he knew almost nothing about computers, he was making quite a
few mistakes... with each one getting a solid "PENIS... Wheee" sound.
Needless to say, when we showed up for class the next day, we just about
had our heads bit off by the Band instructor... and it was all we could
do from laughing our asses off at him as he was relaying the events to us
in that ever so parental "I'm very pissed off" tone.