Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2009 01:12:56 -1000
From: lists at
Subject: Re: bizarre capacitance
Dave McGuire wrote:
On Jun 11, 2009, at 6:18 PM, Warren Wolfe wrote:
I'm a NIST certified calibration technician.
Umm, whoa! Can I send you some GR standards and my Thomas one-ohm??
Sure. I'll slap my Simpson 260-6P multimeter on them, and see if
they're about right. I don't have access to a cal lab at this
point, Dave...
The amount of dorking around that is done to get
around the effects
of metal junctions, including all solder joints, and the effects of
temperature and humidity, is amazing. Getting great accuracy is
surprisingly difficult.
Yes it really is. I fight with thermals, in particular, all the
time. The copper vs. copper oxide thing drives me nuts; I'm about to
buy stock in Caig.
People were torn over the use of some of the Caig solvents at the lab.
The buggers won't tell you what it is, which makes people nervous about
using them. I don't know what GR standards you mean, but the Thomas
one-ohm probably cost a couple grand, and they're the LOW end of
standards. People get skittish easily.
I've always used DC#4 with good results but I'm told that
salt air is a bad mix with silicon grease.
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