On Mon, 21 Jun 1999, Kai Kaltenbach wrote:
In Pirates of Silicon Valley last night (let's not
get into the movie
please), they trundled by an Apple Lisa 1 on a cart.
Where the heck did they get a Lisa 1? They're rare as hen's teeth! They
certainly didn't get it from Apple, given the movie's treatment of Steve
Jobs (let's not get into the movie please...)
Has anyone actually seen a Lisa 1 in person, or knows anyone who has one?
Seen one, yes... Way back when in a prior life, and did more than my
share of the 1 -> II conversions... I still have a 'Twiggy' diskette or
two in the collection.
As to the other question... unless they stumbled into one somewhere along
the way, I recall from our discussions with members of the production
company (yes, there is another story there) that they indicated that they
had (or had access to) a LISA II, and a spare front bezel or two that they
were prepared to 'modify' as needed...
I taped the program, and have not had time to watch it yet so I can't
venture a guess as to if the 'LISA I' shown is real, "...or is it
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