Ethan Dicks <ethan.dicks at> wrote:
On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 11:42 AM, John Floren
<slawmaster at> wrote:
> Interesting, I didn't know a /23 could
run V7--all I know for sure is
> that it works on /45s and /70s. Do you know any other machines it runs
> on? I'd like to try installing on my 11/73 (KDJ11-A) if possible.
I think it would come down to disk drivers. If the kernel will run on
an 11/70, there's no difference I can think of off the top of my head
why it wouldn't run on a KDJ-11, unless there's something about the
22-bit Unibus mapping on the 11/70 vs no mapping on the Qbus.
Yikes! No, I would not expect it to work well at all.
The first, and most obvious problem is the bus. The Unibus is an 18-bit
address bus, while the q-bus is 22-bits. So, an 11/70 have a Unibus map
which is involved in all DMA from the Unibus. The q-bus don't have
anything like that.
This obviously affects all device drivers doing DMA.
And then we have the obvious problem that the most likely disks used on
V7 would have been massbus disks, which you have no correspondance to on
a q-bus. But even with disks of a similar nature, such an RL, there are
still differences between the controllers, so that you can't just run
the version from a unibus on a q-bus machine without a little modification.
I don't know how much features V7 uses, but there are plenty of things
in the 11/70 which the KDJ11 don't do. Stack limits are different. The
MMU is different (although I don't think anyone uses the 11/70-specific
Now V7 is old enough to not make much use of the hardware, which still
makes it easier to get it running on different machines (no split I/D
space, no supervisor mode stuff). So, as always, it is possible, but you
can't just drop the software in, and expect it to run.
Disks, though... a 11/73 is likely to have an MSCP
disk controller,
but the 11/70 has quite a number of supported disk controllers.
I'd look at the 7th Ed. sources and the install
process to see what
7th Ed. is expecting to load onto.
You need to rewrite things. There is no way you can get something
written for the Unibus, and large memory, work on a q-bus without
rewriting some stuff.
Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt at || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol