Hi there:
On 25 October 2013 13:27, azd30 <azd30 at telus.net> wrote:
Ok, now 1A and 1B are preprinted CPU. 2D marked RL01
2C marked M8013. 3D marked RL01, 3C marked M8014..
1AB is of course a QBUS slot, 1CD, I'm going to guess was also a QBUS
slot. The wiring should then "skip" to 2AB as the next QBUS slot, then
to 3AB, then 4AB, and then start the normal serpentine fashion (4AB to
4CD, to 5CD, to 5AB...). With slots 2CD and 3CD connected to each
other (and ONLY each other) as CD interconnect.
Alternatively, 1CD may have never been anything in the original system
(see below for what I mean by that).
CPU goes in higest slot 1AB. As it should.
Slots 2 and 3 are oviously different. Since they were meant for the 2 quad board RL01
controller RLV11 that makes sense.
Yes, the CPU slot makes sense, though it could also be a Q18/CD or
Q22/CD and most CPUs wouldn't give a damn. The CD slots in this case
being reserved for the two board RLV11 set as you said.
On to the next question:
This were the boards in the system and where they were installed. I am assuming
that's how the previous owner had them installed
when he had the system running with RT11. I just don't see how it could have worked.
1AB - M8186 11/23 CPU (don't know if it's a YA B or C, but definitely no FP
going from memory two chips on it, CPU and MMU?, a rev D board)
1CD - Third party 256Kb (with 128K installed) parity memory board.
2CD - M7940 DLV11 (don't know if it's a YA C D or E)
2AB - MicroTechnology MXV22 RX02 compatible disk controller
3ABCD - M8012-YA BDV11
And this makes it sound like someone rewired the everything. Since --
quite rightly -- the M7940 should not have worked in a pure CD slot.
(It should have done absolutely nothing.)
Alternatively, if it was not rewired (you mentioned the backplane
being of PCB style design, so that sounds quite impossible, save the
update from 18-bit to 22-bit, which isn't a problem). Then the
previous owner must have misremembered it running RT-11. (Or he spent
a lot of time cutting PCB traces and rewiring the backplane).
All cards duals except for for the M8012 which is a
I can sort of see how the M8012 would work in slot 3 (it does match the ABCD in the
chain, and it is a slot that is different),
but if slot 2 is also different, the M7940 could not have worked. It's an AB card,
stuck in a CD slot.
The M8012-YA (a BDV11) is an 18-bit bus terminator and
bootstrap+diagnostic ROM card. It goes at the end of your card chain
to, as it says in its name, terminate the bus. The -YA is also 18-bit
*ONLY* so, if you do go 22-bit, you'll need to remove it.
I still have to figure out the 18vs22 bit issue. And
correct me if I'm wrong, but unless I have an even number of dual cards, a quad card
not work in the system (leaves a 1/2 slot empty before it).
22-bit uses some of the "unused" pins in 18-bit land; the only real
issue with the 18-bit/22-bit debate is that some cards will not work
in one or the other (see the aforementioned comment on the BDV11-YA).
If I was to go with an RLV12 controller that's a
single quad board in Slot2, I don't think that I can leave slot 3 empty. Now, if it
was a 22 bit
backplane I could stick TWO RLV12's in there, and that would make it all ok.
You don't *need* two RLV12s. As I personally haven't experienced any
PDP-11 software that supports multiple RL01/RL02 controllers. Plus, 4
RL01s/RL02s is big physically, and any of the operating systems that
want loads and loads of disk space probably won't fit on an RL01 or
RL02 pack as a system disk.
Christian M. Gauger-Cosgrove