At 12:55 AM 3/23/1999 -0800, you wrote:
Does anyone know how the fn keys work on the Toshiba T3100e40?
I have one of these 286 and I have no idea how to use the fn combo with
the F# keys.
Also how do I get into the setup CMOS in one of these computers?
Are there software that I can get to work with it, IE, powersavers and etc?
Also how do I get the modem to work on the computer? I have noticed that
there are already 2 builtin serial ports, one in back and one on the
right hand side. Also what is little round plug used for, that is located
on the left hand side of the laptop? Is that little plugin for a INPORT
mouse or a Logitec Handheld scanner or what? Some models has a plastic
plug in that socket.
From the 3100 manual, Fn + F1 = F11, Fn + F2 =F12. Fn + Numlock gets you
into the numeric keypad overlay. Fn + Pg Dn sets the processor speed to 6
Meg. Fn + Pg Up goes to 12 Meg.(or when you start the system)
To select RGB, press Fn + End, Fn + Home goes to Plasma display.
To access setup, go into Dos directory and type "Test 3" which gives you a
diagnostics menu. (Only works with the original Toshiba Dos ). There was
also a diagnostics and supplimental disk, but it also would only work with
the original Dos 3.3.
I haven't used a modem on mine for some time, but I have a note in the
" Modem (Dos6.2)(Test 3 wont work) Com 3, IRQ2, 3E8." Good luck.
Charlie Fox
Charles E. Fox
Chas E. Fox Video Productions
793 Argyle Rd. Windsor N8Y 3J8 Ont. Canada
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