I've put two Northstar boards on eBay for those who care:
And, I've got the following documents that simply need a good home for
the cost of shipping:
* Original PMMI MM-103 Modem Manual
* Copy of Horizon Parallel to Centronics Parallel Cable diagram from
Northstar Computers
* Bunch of Information from Jay Sage on Z-System he sent me.
* Copies of HRAM Original Schematics (Rev A and C)
* Northstar 16K RAM Board original manual (RAM-16-DOC) Rev2
Preferably a home with someone who will ensure they are scanned if not
I also have two COSMAC docs free for cost of shipping:
* Copy of MB-604B RCA COSMAC Microboard Computer CDP18S604B
* Copy of 1802 datasheet (it's a fax, so it's not a great example,
but it's an RCA document, and I could not find a softcopy online)
If you know some of these are available as softcopy, please let me know,
so I don't feel bad if no one takes them and I end up trashing them.
Jim Brain, Brain Innovations (X)
brain at
Dabbling in WWW, Embedded Systems, Old CBM computers, and Good Times!