At 00:43 3/16/98 -0500, Ward wrote:
I always liked MultiPlan....But putting that same
interface on
Word for DOS made that my least favorite word processor to that
point, and I've known some bad ones over the years....
Matters of taste, again. Microsoft Word for DOS 4.0, even with its buggy
file handling, was the version that finally pulled me away from WordStar; I
liked having so many more formatting options, and at about that same time I
got my Laserjet Plus, for which MicroPro's drivers were impossible.
The Word menu was much better after it lost the Alpha command. I upgraded
to Word for DOS 5.0 -- best DOS version IMHO, -- to 5.5, skipped 6.0
because it was weird, and then WinWord 1.0 was so bizarre (mostly the
mailmerge) that it almost drove me into the arms of the competition. (MS
actually sent me a little certificate for being a Word for Windows early
adopter, they knew how odd it was.) Newer versions are off-charter, but 2.0
was okay and I've been an MS-Word user ever since.
Kip Crosby engine(a)
Computer History Association of California