One interesting thing about the Outbound, IIRC, was
that not only
was it introduced before the Portable came out, but it was way
better than the Portable. So much better that Apple, who
apparently hadn't quite agreed to license the rom's, gave them a
choice: either you give us your computer, or we sue the pants off of
you and we'll get it anyway.
The Outbound then became the PowerBook. Might as well let
someone else do your R&D for you.....
That story is new to me, and rather contradicts what I've heard.
The Outbounds were completely legal, and I don't believe Apple ever
attempted to sue them. Outbound was still around when the Powerbooks
came out, and from what I've read, its the _competition_ that drove them
out of business. With Apple making cost-effective laptops, it was no
longer economical to buy a clone and Mac ROMs. The Outbound Notebook
uses IDE hard drives and camcorder batteries and really doesn't come
across at all like the Powerbook 1xx.
You can find additional pictures and information at:
And information on Mac clones in general at:
Tom Owad
Apple Prototypes, Clones, & Hacks - The obscure, unusual, & exceptional.