This is bizarre...
This RSX was origionally in an 11/73. I had it in an 11/83.
BOO was running REAL slow. I interrupted it after a 5-hour run.
I swapped the KDJ11-B with an 11-A, reloaded, and now BOO
is running at a faster pace, it hits the drive every 10 seconds.
I just now started it.
Maybe there's a bug in RSX, or my 83 is acting bizarre?
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[What version...]
It was 4.3. A butchered 4.3, a lot of the utility programs are missing.
It has graphics-workstation software from Genigraphics on it.
Oops, forgot that. I'm straight-booting it from some RD device.
But I had to swap my RQDX3 for a spare RQDX1 to get the drive to work.
When I get done putting it on the RL02, I'm going to retire the RD
(It's making bearing-going noises) and use RT-11 to make a diskimage
of the RL02. Then I can play with RSX-11M under the emulator.