Tony Duell wrote:
Now, there
is a catch. The machine didn't come with a power
supply. So, can someone with an Ace, working PSU and a multimeter
please tell me what the polarity and voltage of the PSU's output is?
I'm hesitant to power up
I am darn sure it's 9V DC (probably about 1A) and
tip +ve.
Well, it certainly seems that way - from the incomplete and poor-quality
schematics I've got, it uses a 7805 1A linear regulator which needs around
8V to 15V to run properly. The usual supply voltage is 9V. IIRC...
But you can check it for yourself. Open up the Ace
(the easiest way
to do this is to push the centre pins of the 5 fixing studs in, so
that they fall out inside the cae. Remove the studs and the case top,
then recover the pins from inside the machine. When reassembing, put
the top on, fit the studs, and push the pins in from the outside).
Well, that was
easy enough, except my Ace only had three fixing studs. I
guess the studs made it a little quicker to assemble an Ace in the factory,
but they're a real pain to remove when the case needs opening...
The PSU is a conventional 7805-based design (so the 9V
1A input
should be fine). One side of the input jack socket (I think it's the
sleeve) goes to the 0V line.
That would seem logical - ring ground, tip power. Same
as when a jack plug
is used as an audio connector.
the Ace in
case I end up fouling up the settings, with fairly
predictable results.
There is nothing totally irreplaceable in the Ace. A ROM dump
be available if you need to re-burn the EPROMs. And the other chips
are standard -- there's no ULA...
In other words, it's a ZX80 workalike
that runs FORTH instead of BASIC...
In any case, most of the time when you get the
polarity wrong, the
7805 dies, but the rest of the machine survives. Don't try this for
the fun of it, though ;-)
Strange, I've never killed a 7805 by reversing the
polarity. Mainly because
I usually power them up on current-limited power supplies...
I don't suppose you have a copy of the Jupiter Ace schematics, do you?