>>The Friday before Easter is called Good
Friday. I've never managed to
>>work out what "kar" means in your name for it. My favourite, though
>>is Ascension, which I understand you call Himmelfahrt...
> Literally, "gone to Heaven" -- my
wife's maiden name (unmarried -- not sure
Yes, I got that (or "journey to Heaven"),
from German O-level [UK exam taken at
age 16]. "Weihnacten", for Christmas, doesn't take much decoding to get
night(s)". But my dictionary is quite silent as to what the element
might represent.
"Kar" is derivated from the Oldhighgerman word of chara/kara with
an meaning of grief/mourning - so the Karwoche is the week of
mourning for Christ / the mourning period. While this word is
no longer in use in German (and no derivate, AFAIK), it is still
present in English as 'care' (Didn't I already mention that English
preserved a lot mor ol German words than German itself ? So learning
English is kind of learning old German.)
I hope this wil end your life long search for the meaning of Kar.
P.S.: Now solve the riddle of Ostern/Eastern.
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