Ethan Dicks wrote:
Was the MC68000-12 rated to 16Mhz, or did people just
it that fast? I remember it was an issue for people who
tried to clock-double their A500s.
Motorola made a version of their MC68HC000 that ran
at 16MHz. Back in the late 80's I was
doing processor design for Nortel switching equipment
and we had some applications that were written for the
68000 that would have taken too much work to convert
software over for the 68020 (a lot of our stuff ran
in supervisor mode, not user mode). SGS-Thompson was
a licensee for the 68K family, and was the first company
that produced a 16 MHz 68000. I think theirs was NMOS,
not CMOS (it sure got warm). One day the Motorola guys
brought in one of their sales managers to try do drum up
business for their 68020 and I showed them the SGS-T part
and asked them if they had anything like that. The
answer was "we'll get back to you on that", which
was then followed up with "you can use our 12 MHz
68HC000, run it at 16 MHz at room temperature
for development, and soon we can provide screened
parts that will run at 16 MHz". Eventually they
did provide MC68HC000-16 parts.
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