On 19/09/2007, Michael B. Brutman <mbbrutman-cctalk at brutman.com> wrote:
I found a little treasure trove of info .. I'm
happier now.
Models of the 4865 for the AT have just a DB37 connector. They are
supposed to get power and signal from an additional card that goes into
the machine, as an AT normally doesn't have an external floppy port.
I've got one of those here (I'm at McGill in Montreal, Canada) I
couldn't find a use for it (I hoped to take the drive out to put into
a 1581 kit I got earlier this year) so it's free for shipping to
anyone who wants it. (please contact me off-list)
I traced the voltages out already, but getting
confirmation was nice.
If anybody ever has a desire to connect a 4865 to something, let me know.
If noone takes up my offer, I would like to attempt to do something
useful with it - maybe build a simple 4865 to A1010 (external Amiga
floppy) converter? Should only require a flip-flop - and it'd be
useful to me since an A500 ended up donating its drive for my 1581 :-)
If you could send me the pinouts, it'd be appreciated!!