I've just been going through a load of old boards that I had occupying
space and I'd like to put some of the components to good use. I've already
located datasheets for a Motorola DSP56001FE27 digital signal processor I
found (time to build an MP3 player!), but a few of the parts have turned up
dead ends for data. The parts in question are Sierra Semiconductor (now
PMC-Sierra) SC11011CV/ADA, SC11026CN and SC22201CN chips, used on what
appears to be an old modem. I've had a look on FreeTradeZone (free? not
bloody likely) and the datasheets have been locked (the chips are obsolete).
Anyone got PDFs (or paper copies) of these datasheets? I'd like to get these
chips doing something (other than taking up valuable space), but it's a bit
diffiicult without the datasheets!