Just a quick progress indication:
My attempt of looking at the source of "boot" came to a halt at a
point a few word levels down in the code there's a [compile]
directive followed by just fragments of text (the exact line is
"[compile] ot image fai"). The debugger, which I'm learning to use
according to the instructions in the Quick Reference, gets turned
off right there and the usual messages ("Boot device: <foo>" etc.)
start to appear.
I've also read into the "FCode 3.x Reference Manual" (available for
free download from Sun) and found the following (quote):
OpenBoot performs the following steps during the boot
The bootpath and bootargs properties in the /chosen node of the
device tree are set with the selected values.
At that point I decided to take a look at that node and its
properties, amongst which I found to be "gateway-ip", "server-ip"
and "client-ip", all initialized to "00 00 00 00". Those are most
probably set according to the results of the rarp request. I can
modify them with
ok " "(<4 bytes adr>)" encode-bytes " <whatever>-ip"
The "Writing FCode 3.x Programs" manual also has a lot of info
about the netboot procedure (quote):
TFTP Booting Support Package
The /obp-tftp package implements the Internet Trivial File
Transfer Protocol (TFTP) for use in network booting. It is
typically used by a network device driver for its first stage
network boot protocol. Again, load is the most important method
defined by this package.
This package uses the read and write methods of its parent, and
defines the following methods:
Table 4-5 TFTP Package Methods
Name Stack diagram Description
open (-- flag) Prepares the package for subsequent use,
returning -1 if the operation succeeds and
0 otherwise.
close (--) Frees all resources that were allocated by
load (adr -- size) Reads the default stand-alone program from
the default TFTP server, putting the program
at memory address adr and returning its
length size.
For the standard Sun TFTP booting protocol,
RARP (Reverse Address Resolution Protocol)
is used to acquire the IP address
corresponding to the system's MAC address
(equivalent to its Ethernet address). From
the IP address, the default file name is
constructed, of the form <Hex-IP-Address>.
<architecture> (for example, C0092E49.SUN4C).
Then obp-tftp tries to TFTP read that file,
first trying the server that responded to the
RARP request, and if that fails, then
broadcasting the TFTP read request.
Obviously this method is called after I enter "boot net" (manually
invoking it yields the same messages that usually come after "Boot
device: <foo>"), but I'm yet failing to see how control is transferred
between the two (also need to read more about how an instance of this
package is created as a child to le) and in order not to miss steps
which set up critical variables or properties, I need to know what (if
anything) happens after the [compile] directive and before
"/packages/obp-tftp/load" is executed.
The code inside that "load" seems pretty modular after all, with calls
like "do-rarp" and "tftpread", which I'm also going to take a
closer look at
over the next few days. At least I hope I'll get to...
Season's greetings to everybody,
Arno Kletzander
Stud. Hilfskraft Informatik Sammlung Erlangen
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