Hello, all:
I just got a bunch of interesting documents and related items. The
drafting and flowcharting templates are especially interesting :-).
(1) "1.1.84-1.1.89: Five Years That Changed the Way the World Communicates"
(InformationWeek special issue, 114 pp).
(2) "Standard Specification for S-100 Bus Interface Devices" (IEEE, 1979).
(3) "Microprocessor Assembly Language Draft Standard" (IEEE, 1979).
(4) "Cybernation: The Silent Conquest", by Donald N. Michael (Report to
the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, 1962.)
(5) "8080 Microcomputer Systems User's Manual" (Intel, 1975, ca. 200 pp).
(6) "8080 Microcomputer Peripherals User's Manual" (Intel, 1976, ca. 90
(7) "Selected Examples of Possible Approaches to Electronic Communication
Interception Operations" (Mitre Corporation, 1977).
(8) "Computers, Spies, and Private Lives" (Nova/PBS, 1981).
(9) "IBM System/370 References Summary" (Fifth edition, 1981).
(10) "IBM Operator's Library: JES2 Command Language Reference Summary"
(11) "If you can point, you can use a Macintosh." (Original Apple color
brochure announcing the Macintosh, 1984).
(12) "CP/M Programmer's Reference Guide" (Sol Libes, 1982).
(13) "8080 Assembly Language Reference Card" (Intel, March 1976).
(14) "AIM 65 Summary Card" (Rockwell, March 1979).
(15) "IBM Flowcharting Template" (reflecting ISO 1028 and ANSI X3.5-1970).
(16) "Standard Logic Symbols Template #1219" (Pickett, MIL.STD. 806 ASA
[ Rich Cini/WUGNET
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