What is the attraction of the HP16500A to C upgrade kit
at $172.50
when you can find a whole 16500C at that price? I suppose in your
case it would probably cost a lot less to ship the upgrade kit vs the
whole mainframe from the US to Brazil.
This is the problem :) A 16500C shipped to Brazil would cost AT LEAST
$300 to ship, and God-knows-who how much in customs' charges :(
And, of course, it is IMPOSSIBLE to find a 16500C in Brazil :)
Of course, I could do something with a 16500B board...At least I'd have
HDD support...
If you don't need something portable /
self-contained or support for
some really old modules a 16700A doesn't cost a lot these days either.
Too expensive, and I already have the 16500, it works like a charm to me
BTW, a curiosity: In the scope module, there isn't a graticule (that
horizontal/vertical lines that you use to measure time/amplitude of a trace)
I can activate? I did everything I could and wasn't able to turn it on :)
Alexandre Souza, PU1BZZ