So the boy (9yr. old) was asking last night about how
computers work... any recommendations for good books for
learning the basics from? I think I started out with a
Sinclair Spectrum and its BASIC manual, but I really don't
recall now where I found out about the fundamental building
blocks of [typical] computers and how a CPU worked. There
must be a good 'classic' "how computers work" type of book
which avoids going on about PCs and Xboxen...
One weekend my parents wanted to get away from the kids so I went to
work with my older brother. I was in a lab at P.R. Mallory Corp. with a
supply of chips and a few books. Worked for me. At 12 I built an 8080a
based something or another (I wouldn't call it a computer, but it had a
bit of memory, a numeric keypad and 6 A/N LEDs for display). After that
I had accounts on about 6 minis of the DEC and DG variety.
Are you sure the kid is interested in computers or just trying to keep
up with the alphageeks at school?