On Tue, 26 Aug 2003, McFadden, Mike wrote:
Two Naval officers were on leave and ran into civilian
at the Lido
casino who said that odds could be computed if they knew the past series
of positions of the roulette ball. They recorded the positions and used
a signal lamp to send them to their ship, officer on ship entered them
into computer and relayed via signal lamp back the predicted next
winning position. I think they always bet on the top 3 predicted
They were staying in a suite at the hotel and ran into a cute young
women who turned out to be the admiral's daughter. The admiral was
staying at the suite downstairs and noticed the flashing signal lamp and
thought there were spies around. Nobody could decode the Morse code
signals of the roulette positions.
Finally all were found out and confessed to the "gambling".
Sounds like a perfectly nerdy movie to rent for the weekend, along with
Hot Millions :)
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