well gee...
maybe if I had received this BEFORE 9:15 on the 7th I could
have taped it and dumped to MPEG for everyone.
Blame it on the person respobsible for moderating messages from
non-subsribers :) (I sent the message from my main VCF account which is
not subscribed).
Yeah, fortunatly ScreenSavers runs many many times over.
I got home last night in time to catch the very end of the segment. So I
set my Satallite to record the show at the 2:30am slot, and also the
8:00am slot (my satallite likes to pull the next set of TV listings
around 2:30, and it doesn't seem to have the brains to know not to if you
are recording... what do you want from an MS product!)
If no one else posts a link to an MPEG of the clip, and my tape came out,
I'll make an MPEG Saturday and post it.