Marvin <marvin(a)> wrote:
Russ Blakeman wrote:
Anyone heard of a Hazeltine? Not sure of the
model but I have a black
They made quite a few different models of terminals, and one thing I have
heard but not yet confirmed, is that one of the models had some core memory
in it.
If this is so, I wouldn't be surprised to find that that model is the
Hazeltine 2000, a real piece of work.
It's kind of boxy: one rectangular box for the monitor, with a black
front and sort of goldenrod-shade-of-beige metal case, or maybe the
ones I saw were just yellowed by exposure to chain-smoking
programmers, and a matching yellowish boxy keyboard attached by way of
a thick cable.
Yegods! We had one of those (probably donated by Bell Labs) back at
Monmouth College, where I got my CS degrees and later worked. I
still remember the boxy keyboard and the glowing buttons next to
tye keyboard (things like BREAK and CLR SCREEN).
Best of all, it's too stupid to clear the screen when powered on, and
likely as not what it greets you with first thing in the morning is a
garbled version of what it was showing you last night when you turned
it off. (There is a reset button, one of the round pushbuttons on the
right edge of the keyboard, which clears the display should you like
to start fresh.) So while I wouldn't be surprised to find that the
display memory is core, I'd be even less surprised to find that it is
some kind of acoustic delay line.
Core- 2K, to be specific. I know because I scavenged the core boards
out of ours when it died. Part of the reason the terminal was so big
was the fact that the logic was all on a set of index card-sized PCBs
in a card cage.