I'm afraid that is a pseudo-Twitter App only. Not like an actual Vintage
Twitter App that's running on the C64 using Breadbox64 which does not
require a PC host as a Twitter gateway. I'm mainly a hardware hacker
myself but I read this actually makes use a of a embedded IP stack
running using only a 6502 at that slow speed on the C64. I just picked
up a C64 ethernet card from Jim Brain & Co to try this myself.
That guy could actually port the Breadbox64 source code to the IIe since
it's based on CC65 --and hack the Ethernet card into a slot to make a
true vintage embedded internet appliance--it certainly has enough memory
for this task. Unlike the VIC-20 which I'm also attempting, once I add a
bigger memory expansion. And that other VIC-20 Twitter App that was
recently featured online also falls into the pseudo crowd.
William Blair wrote: