I've taken photographs of a couple of interesting looking but unknown
boards I've been setting aside and am curious if anyone can identify them.
The following boards are from 1975 and are all labeled "MDS-100x", where
'x' is between 1 and 8. My Google searching was unable to find anything
that looked relevant.
<http://www.applefritter.com/temp/boards/mds/1.jpg> has a couple of 6821's
<http://www.applefritter.com/temp/boards/mds/3.jpg> is just about all TTL
The second two of these cards have a connector that looks like Nubus but
is missing the middle row of pins. Are these for a laser printer?
<http://www.applefritter.com/temp/boards/seminubus/2.jpg> has a 68000
processor and RAM.
<http://www.applefritter.com/temp/boards/seminubus/3.jpg> is labeled
Ricoh Engine Driver
Another one that looked interesting. I have no idea what this is from.