Hi Everyone,
I solved the issue with mounting the RL02 on my Vax4000-200 last night. I
took the advice of one of the people who responded back about what the
settings and vectors are, compared to what the system expects.
Turned out: a. I had a bad RLV12 card
b. My 2nd card was setup for 22bit addressing
So I reset it back to factory 18bit settings, plugged it on, did a
mount/automatic dla3: and viloa! Up is came, I set sef to it and did a
directory listing and there were the files all sitting patiently waiting to
be read once again.
I have a backup across 3 rl02's as bak files, now I am going to work on
doing a restore to a dia1: drive that I have in my system as a scratch disk...
Thanks again to everyone who has helped out on this, now does anyone have
a spare rk05 decpack and a qbus controller they want to sell or loan me???
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