Mark Wickens wrote:
Don't know much about RT11, but this looked like a nice set of disks:…
Jerome Fine replies:
If your real DEC hardware has only an RX02 disk drive, then these
floppy media will be very useful.
Otherwise, if you are running under SIMH, then a CD ISO image
can be found at:
Download, UnZip and burn the ISO file to a CD.
Alternatively, just ATTACH the file (then SET RQ0 LOCKED) and
BOOT. This ISO image contains both an ISO file structure (useful
only when burned to a CD) as well as 4 RT-11 file structures, one
for each RT-11 partition.
For those individuals who have a legal license to run V05.07 of RT-11, is also available.
While some individuals strongly contend that SIMH is not available
for hobby users to legally use to run up to V05.03 of RT-11, the
original author (when he was a VP at DEC) seems to contend the
exact opposite. In addition, Mentec also seems to accept that SIMH
can be legally used by hobby users to run up to V05.03 of RT-11.
Since the US arm of Mentec (Mentec Inc.) is no longer operational,
the above information is difficult to verify, however, until such time
as there is any information from Mentec in Ireland, it seems reasonable,
after so many years of SIMH being accepted as being legally available
to hobby users, for hobby users to continue to run RT-11 under SIMH
and assume that they are doing so legally.
As for manuals, there are pdf versions available for download.
Sincerely yours,
Jerome Fine