My God... and now we've got free PDP-11/70's in California. With SCSI,
no less!
Grab 'em while you can!
-=-=- <break> -=-=-
On Mon, 08 Mar 1999 14:48:25 -0800, in alt.sys.pdp11 you wrote:
>Message-ID: <36E453B9.E69B85EE(a)>
>Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 14:48:25 -0800
>From: "E.B. Lieberman" <ebliebe(a)>
>Organization: Bank of America
>X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.07 [en] (WinNT; I)
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Newsgroups: alt.sys.pdp11,comp.os.rsts,comp.os.vms
>Subject: PDP-11/70's - Now you can owe one of these great work horses
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>X-Trace: 8 Mar 1999 23:14:51 -0800,
>Lines: 60
>Xref: alt.sys.pdp11:952 comp.os.rsts:69 comp.os.vms:21006
>Now you can own a PDP-11/70! Yep, that's right.
> I'm not talking about those little 11/8x and 11/9x Q-bus jobs.
> I'm talking about the real thing; you know with MASSBUS and all.
>A global financial institution, previously headquartered in Northern
>California, is getting ready to say goodbye to the last of its
>PDP-11/70's. These machines (there are eight of them), were used as
>message store and forward switches for nearly 20 years. Great minds
>have tried to count the number of times the world wide GNP have flowed
>through these systems; and failed !!!
>Each CPU has roughly the same configuration as follows:
> QED 11/70 processor upgrade with 4Mb memory plus cache running at
>multiple VUP speeds.
> (Wow, faster than a 11/780, VAX engineering - eat your hearts
> Two System Industries CLUSTOR III MASSBUS disk controllers with 16
>Seagate 1.0 Gig drives
> built with SMD interfaces. Ten drives are fixed while the remaining
>are in removable
> canisters;
> One Fujitsu 2480M/3480 SCSI tape drive (emulates a TU81) plus
>SCSI-UNIBUS controller;
> One TE16 or TU16 magtape drive (MASSBUS);
> Two DV-11's with modem control (16 channel sync or async adapters)
>and custom drivers
> set up for a variation on IBM BISYNC;
> Three DZ-11's and an ETHERNET DELUA;
> Plus software to show you that all hardware components are
>Did I say eight (8) CPU's? There's more !!
>For a short time only, we can throw in tons of spares that include:
> More QED's, SETASI memory (2Mb and 4Mb), more DV-11's, more DZ-11's,
>full 11/70 CPU kits,
> DH-11's, DHQ-11's, 50-60 extra Seagate drives, as described above,
>in removable canisters,
> 24 or so extra SI CLUSTOR controllers, 3 to its own 19" rack.
>Am I finished? No way !!!
> I'll even throw in a few RP06 disk packs. The platters are great
>for making Frisbee's out of
> (kids, don't play with these without adult supervision).
> Boxes of hardware manuals and even a TECO manual (the first real
>editor that today still has the
> best macro generator going).
>So if you are interested in taking the entire lot (en masse), then drop
>me a line and we can talk about it.
Bruce Lane, Owner and head honcho,
Blue Feather Technologies -- kyrrin (at) bluefeathertech [dot] com
"...No matter how we may wish otherwise, our science can only describe an object,
event, or living thing in our own human terms. It cannot possibly define any of