Ethan Dicks
By the
way, for myself, I would VERY much appreciate
being in touch with all individuals who have a copy of the
RT-11 Freeware CD V2.0 so that we might exchange
information about RT-11. Tim Shoppa felt that he might
be violating privacy concerns if he made the names, of those
who ordered the CD, available.
I can appreciate Tim's discretion, but I
don't mind it being known
that I ordered a copy from him.
Jerome Fine replies:
Is that OK just for myself or among others who are like minded?
If the latter, then RT-11 announcements will be sent to all 4 or 5
of you at the same time - makes it easier. I think Tim said he sold
about 40 of the RT-11 Freeware CD, so many more names to go.
I did also buy a copy of RT-11 (1 CD) and RSX11-M (2 CD's) from Tim.
- Henk.