Hi Jay,
I emailed you a while ago, and never got a response so I am just
reposting it here. I've found most of the posts to ClassicCmp going back
to when I joined in 1997 a couple of months (I think) after the list was
started. If you need them, I can send them to you. There are some holes
but not many except for when I lost my email later last year. They run
somewhere around 600 MB.
5) Many chunks of the archives have been located on
the drive. However, I am
sure there are holes of missing posts. This really torques me off. Someone
who did list maintenance before me had moved the defacto copy of the list
archives into a different spot on the server and I didn't realize they were
in an area I routinely mess up and later clean up. It's possible I deleted
them, but in any case I can't find them. Again, many of them have been
located but not all. After I finish the server drive migration, I will be
regenning all the html archives from scratch - going against the original
mbox files. If there's any posts in the archives that you want me to remove
(from time to time someone posts their home address by mistake, etc etc.)
now is the time to let me know and I'll clean the archives. After the
archives are completely reassembled, you can be damn sure I will be copying
them to DVD and sticking a copy in my vault off-site.