From what I understand, Zane Healy spake thus:
Can a PowerMac handle a ProDOS floppy?
Yup. I have a "High-speed Scsi card Utilities" disk sitting in my
7600 right now, and it opens up just ducky. You have to shut File
Sharing down first, though.....
I know my PowerBook 540c and SE/30
can. I also know that when I had to read in a lot of
floppies I broke out
my PowerBook 540c instead of using my PowerMac 8500. I've wondered if the
real reason for dropping floppies isn't because they suck so bad on
PowerMacs speed wise!
Good question. Shouldn't the speed be the same?
So basically my questions are:
1. Which version of the Mac OS was support for ProDOS dropped
2. Can any PowerMacs read ProDOS floppies
2) Yup. Provided they have Superdrives in them. I doubt that the
new SuperDisk drives that would be anything up to a
beige G3.
1) All my PowerMacs (except the Duo 280c) are running 8.6.1, so I
can speak up to there, but I don't know about 9.
Paul Braun WD9GCO
Cygnus Productions
"A computer without a Microsoft operating system is like a dog without a bunch of
bricks tied to its head."