I have a number of Mac base units, Apple Trinitron monitors and external
SCSI 44MB & 88MB SyQuest drives for sale. I hope the prices are reasonable;
they should be worth it for the parts value alone (memory, floppy drives,
case, video card, PSU, CPU).
Most of the Mac stuff is around 10 years old.
Unless stated, everything is tested working and can be seen working.
Collection from Dorchester, Dorset, England would be preferable.
Also, would there be any interest in Digital VT420 terminals, maybe other
types of DEC terminal too? I may be able to acquire a quantity of these very
cheaply. I'm no DEC expert; does a complete terminal consist only of the
monitor and keyboard?
Mac base units
None of these have hard disks. Would be good for upgrading an existing Mac
Mac II. Has 800K floppy drive, 20MB RAM (four
1MB and four 4MB 30-pin SIMMs). 68851 MMU
chip fitted. Has NuBus video card made by
Apple (FCC ID of video card is BCG9GRM0201). 20 pounds
Mac II. Two floppy drives, one 800K other
1.44MB. No RAM or video card. 10 pounds
Mac II. 8MB RAM. two floppy drives, one 800K
other 1.44MB. Has Megascreen 2001 NuBus video
card by Megagraphics (may be able to output
NTSC/PAL video according to text on PCB).
The 800K floppy drive may need cleaning. 15 pounds
Mac II. High density floppy drive. No RAM or
video card. Probable PSU or main board fault;
unit shuts down when a floppy disk is inserted.
Floppy drive is good. 4 pounds
Mac IIx. Two 1.44MB floppy drives. Has 16Mhz
68030, 68882. 8MB RAM, NuBus video card.
Second floppy drive may be unreliable. 20 pounds
Mac IIci. High density floppy drive, no RAM.
Has 25MHz 68030, 68882. 15 pounds
Mac IIvi. Has 16MHz 68030, unsure of amount
of RAM on board. High density floppy drive. 15 pounds
Mac IIvx. Has 33MHz 68030, unsure of amount
of RAM on board. Contains Apple NuBus video
card with 1MB RAM (FCC ID of this card is
BCGM0121) 20 pounds
Mac Centris 650 w/ 44MB SyQuest drive. Has
68040 CPU, unsure of amount of RAM on board.
High density floppy drive. 30 pounds
Power Mac 6100/60. 16MB RAM (I think). Has
Apple PC emulator card with 486DX266 CPU and
additional 8MB RAM (FCC ID of this is
BCGM3581). High density floppy drive. Unable to
fully test due to not having correct monitor
cable, but unit makes normal "bong" sound when
powered up. 35 pounds
12" Trinitron monitors
Macintosh Color Display (M1212) 20 pounds
Macintosh Color Display (M1212) 20 pounds
AppleColor High_resolution RGB Monitor (M0401Z) 20 pounds
External SCSI SyQuest drives
I have tested all these to the extent of powering up, drives are visible on
SCSI bus. However I do not have any SyQuest media to fully test. Will offer
DOA warranty. These are probably worth it for the cases alone.
Mass Microsystems DataPak 44MB drive 10 pounds
Mass Microsystems DataPak 88MB drive 15 pounds
Computex 44MB drive 10 pounds
d2 88MB drive 15 pounds
Micronet 44MB drive. Case damaged, drive
probably okay 4 pounds
External SCSI cases
Case from Apple Hard Disk 40SC, no drive FREE with other purchase
Case from Apple Hard Disk 20SC, no drive FREE with other purchase
-- Mark
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