On Thu, 22 Jun 2006, Chris M wrote:
that stuph you download off the SGI site is commonly
referred to as overlays. You need the basic 6.5.? set
to begin with (in totality 18 cd's). Starting posting
around. I had people offering to dump it onto a hard
drive I'd send them and whatnot. I found a set though.
There are issues regarding licensing - there's a
license attached to each machine evidently. But who
really gives a damn, right?
I seem to recall an SGI tech saying that posession of SGI hardware implies
that a licence to use Irix has already been bought and the license
transfers with the machine. So, it's already paid for. Of course, things
like MIPSpro C cost extra and are time limited.
I might have some Irix 6.5.x CD sets around here somewhere.
David Griffith
dgriffi at
A: Because it fouls the order in which people normally read text.
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