There was a DECUS-contributed handler, the SD.SYS
handler, back
in Version 3 and 4 that did (does?) the "same thing" as LD in Version
5.0. Are the two compatible? If so, you could find the SD handler and
use it under RSTS? (Maybe it's on one of the tapes you can't read,
THanks... I had forgotten the name of it. As for being compatible,
I can't see that there is much difference so long as the SD driver
serves blocks from the logical disk as if they were physical block
numbers of a physical disk... the RT utilities should just be able
to cope (so long as the driver follows are the prescribed driver
I haven't found the docs for RT-11 Version 5.0 very
useful for
using logical disks. There's all the references you need for commands,
but there are almost NO discussions of how to do common tasks.
I.e., there's no way to put it together to do what you want to do
except by trial and error. Or brilliant deduction, which I usually
don't have.
The LD[X].SYS handler is the heart of it... it is not only a handler,
but a program which has a normal program entry point... if you
you will get a CSI prompt, at which you specify what it is you want
to do. I don't know which release had the KMON commands built in,
I thought they were in from the beginning...
Anyway, I think the source for LD (uncommented) is on the kit, so
you could examine the source to see what options are allowed.
Megan Gentry
Former RT-11 Developer
| Megan Gentry, EMT/B, PP-ASEL | Internet (work):
gentry! |
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| Compaq Computer Corporation | addresses need '@' in place of '!' |
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