Its been over 15 years since I last saw the back of a
VT100 and my feeble
In my case, s/years/minutes/ :-)
memory doesn't recall the details. However, now
that you mention it, I do
remember the keyboard jack. In the event of getting a working display but
no response from the keyboard, standard procedure was to reach behind the
terminal and wiggle the keyboard connector until a click was heard from
the speaker and then try again.
I see... Of course the speaker was in the keyboard unit, so I guess the
click yuo heard was the keyboardelectorncis powering up or being
initialisd when the faulty contact at the plug was no longer faulty.
It never dawned on me that the 50/60Hz selection in
setup was for the video
I wonder what else it could be fore :-)
output frame rate. I assumed it was supposed to be set
to the frequency of
the mains supply but I never bothered to figure out exactly what effect it
You are. It also sets, of cource the frame rate for the internal display
(same videO0. The problem with getting ir wrong is that that the screen
image can strobe aginst mains powered lights and you get a very annoying
10Hz filcker. I have never managed to get this effect, but I am told it
can happen.
Setiting it wrongly won't do anay damage, of course.
As an aside, I have a Fluke data logger which has 2 internal 50/60Hz
selection swtiches. One sets the division ration for the real time clock
counter (which takes the mains as its frequency reference), the otehr
cotnrols the timing of the ADC so that it integrates the input signal
over a whole number of mains cycles, effectively eleimantate
mains-frequency noise. But that's anot a particualrly common reason for
having rreqeucny selection
[Yes this is sort-of on-topic. The unit is controlled by 2 4040
microprocessors, one for system control and one on the paper tape output PCB,
might have or why not having it set correctly
didn't seem to make any great
difference. If it was marked frame rate or something like that, I would
probably have figured it out.
I am surte it's in one of the fine manuals....
I just had a hunt through setup on my VT220 and I
can't find a 50/60Hz option.
I may have been msitaken. Alas I don;t have a VT220 or any later DEC
terminal, so I can't fire one up and look for it. The only real DEC
termianls I have are a VT55, VT100 (2 or 3) and a VT105.