Hello, all:
This weekend I finished archiving my Mac diskette collection. I copied them
to the hard drive of my Mac SE as a safety maneuver. Once I have a little mo
re time, I'll make images of them on the gs, move the images to the PC and b
urn a CD of them.
Anyway, I found two diskettes which have unrecoverable errors. If anyone ha
s these that they can image and send my way, I'd appreciate it:
Microsoft Basic Interpreter, version 2.10 (single disk)
Microsoft Basic Interpreter, version 3.00 (disk 2 of 2)
Thanks again.
[ Rich Cini
[ ClubWin!/CW1
[ MCP Windows 95/Windows Networking
[ Collector of "classic" computers
[ <http://highgate.comm.sfu.ca/~rcini/classiccmp/>
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