When you hear that the UPS guys are going through contract negotiations,
stay away from shipping via UPS at all costs.
I used to moonlight at a Radio Shack and we shipped a lot of items via UPS
to and from the product warehouse and repair facilities, and UPS found a
way to destroy too many things.
Whenever I purchase something to be shipped, I always request ANYTHING
other than UPS, usually USPS. USPS has a good track record (in my area) of
getting things too me quickly and undamaged. For Federal employees - they
do pretty good here.
You should hear the FedEx ground people talk about UPS. Geez....... The
stories are horrific.
This will probably start a big Union vs. Anti-Union flamewar, but
throughout my life, my experience is that you get much better quality and
performance when a union is NOT involved. Automobiles are shining proof of
- Matt
At 11:05 AM 4/16/2002 -0400, you wrote:
On April 16, John R. Keys Jr. wrote:
UPS delivered my Burroughs tape unit model BU4180
yesterday but it was
destroyed. They must have dropped it from a high place as this thing
weighs in at almost 80 pounds. Things inside are pretty bad but I would
like to try and get it looking nice again, since the boards inside are
damaged I do not think I can get it to work again. Does anyone on the
list have repair manual for this model? I would like to see how he belts
go around the pulleys inside the case. Thanks
I'm wondering how UPS manages to stay in business anymore. I've
shipped about four things via UPS in the past year, and EVERY ONE OF
THEM arrived damaged to some extent. WTF??
Dave McGuire "Mmmm. Big."
St. Petersburg, FL -Den
Matthew Sell
On Time Support, Inc.
(281) 296-6066
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