Free plus the cost of shipping.
-3 M8043 DLVJ1-M Q 4-Line Asynchronous Interface
-1 M7504 DEQNA-M Q Qbus to ethernet adapter, Q22, obsolete
for VMS 5.x and above (use DELQA).
-1 M7165 KDA50-Q Q Qbus SDI disk adapter, Q22 (2 of 2) (QDA SDI)
-1 M7602 VCB01, QVSS Q Qbus Video Sub System module for Q22
systems (uVAX I, II)
-1 M8061 RLV12 Q RL01/RL02 disk control
-1 Adaptec 1542B ISA SCSI card
-1 Western Digital VGA 8/16 ISA card 256K
-1 IBM serial/parallel card 8-bit ISA NS16450N UART
-1 Maxtor MXT-540S scsi drive made for IBM FRU 92F0406 540mb
-1 IBM WDS-380 scsi drive 80mb
-1 generic PC floppy cable
If I've promised you cards before, please accept my apologies for not
shipping yet. I'll have things boxed soon. I was working a lot of
hours, and got behind with everything else.
Chad Fernandez
Michigan, USA
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